Ontonagon Lighthouse |
On Sunday, July 7, we left Houghton County Marina in Hancock MI @ 8:45 AM, left later because it was raining this morn. It rained all night & now @ 8:30 it has stopped & the sun is out. Air Temp is 70, winds are northeast 10 knots, waves 2-3 feet. Winds & fog increased during our trip, winds up to 15 knots & fog up to a half mile visibility. Radar works great. There was a boat traveling towards us @ one point, so we turned to port & so did they & we passed each other a half mile apart but never visibly saw them but we always knew where they were because of radar. We also ran our fog horn.
We arrived in Ontonagon, (like to say that one) @ 3:00 PM. The fog lifted before we entered the river, so easy entry & we did have enough water, the shallowest was 1.7 ft under the boat. There was a definite rust line from the river water flowing into the lake, worst than the mud line of the Maumee into Lake Erie. I'm calling it a rust line because that is the color of the water, not very pretty. Our shallow water around Lake Superior is not due to low water but from silting in with sand & the harbors are not being dredged like they used to be, you know budget cuts. Miles traveled 46 miles, cum762.
We were in the lead today and there was no one around to help us in. Captain Doug pulled us in expertly to the dock & I was able to handle all the lines myself. The Harbor Master only works part time, there were boats in the marina but no one on their boat even though it was Sunday. After we helped Waterford in, we did meet a great family who are traveling on their beautiful sailboat, Imogene. They are from Minnesota and heading towards Lake Michigan. We were able to exchange helpful dockage & anchoring info since they have been where we are headed and vice versa. Some seasonal boaters did show up & one of them, Rick even offered us a ride to town or help with anything. There was a nice Marina office with clean bathrooms.
No matter how short our stay is and how quiet it is, we find something to take away with us; this time it was the people we met @ Ontagonagon. Everyone was great!! Thank you.
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