Weekend of May 10 ,2013
Since launch, we have stayed in the dock and worked in the cool, sometime rainy weather. Day Dreams is all shiny & pretty. It only took us 3 days to wax this spring, all these years of practice have made us more efficient. Doug ended up sending the new satellite weather module back, as possibly defective. Ray Marine sent him a new one. Doug has used Defender to buy all the new electronics, they've been pretty easy to work with. All of the new electronics were working as of last Monday, but yesterday we could not get weather radar from the satellite again-Doug was steamed. He sent a scathing email to Sirius figuring it had to be their problem, since it couldn't be the second weather module right? Well in Doug's frustration he looked @ Ray Marine's website & what did he find, but a statement regarding the weather module having a problem & the techs are working on it. So Doug had done everything right, he does know what he's doing! We've had a few cocktail parties with Garry & Jacque and we were going to have dinner on Waterford last night but between the wind & cold freezing temperatures, Garry's grill was unable to stay warm enough to cook the steaks. Sand Bar had just opened @ the Marina, so we dined there. It's under new management with a pretty basic menu. The perch sandwich was pretty good. We were going to have a shakedown cruise to Put in Bay but the weather was not conducive for that adventure. We attended the annual Toledo Beach Marina & Dockiminium meeting. Jefferson Beach owns us & they continue working on the property to improve the docks. We own our dock #263 , we bought it back in 2005. The value of the docks have gone down due to the economy & past poor ownership & management but everything is now headed in the right direction.
We continue to stock the boat, so far everything fits. It's a challenge planning for long term cruising. Doug found a very useful app called: What's on my boat. It's great for inventory & remembering where I put something, well worth $1.99. We had boat cards made with our blog & one of our email addresses printed on it.