Left Silver Bay on Friday, July 19 @ 7:30. After a full day of fog yesterday & a night of storms, we are lucky to have blue, clear skies & 70 degrees. We had a slight surge going, but a great ride with the beautiful blue waters of Lake Superior. We rode along the beautiful shoreline of cliffs, trees and waterfalls. It's nice to be able to see this beauty without the fog. Locals keep telling us that they are experiencing more fog and cooler temperatures than normal but at least we have had calm water and not the scorching heat, our friends are experiencing @ home. We won't know what to do without seeing and smelling all the beautiful lilacs.
Manitou River Falls
Garry received a phone call from his Mom, telling him that she is in the hospital with a mild stroke. The fact that the call came from her and she was able to talk to him is good news but Garry being the only child and a loving son knows he needs to be there for her. Jacque & Garry will leave Sunday and fly to Illinois. Waterford will stay in Grand Marais while they are gone. We wish Mille a full & speedy recovery.
Grand Marais is a small artsy Harbor town. Almost everything is walking distance here except the IGA. There are art galleries and lots of restaurants in a one light, one block area. Tourists are filling the sidewalks. We met Jack & Danna, who live & work here; they have a classic Grand Banks here in the Marina and he offered us his car to take to the grocery store. That means so much to us because we really need to provision for the next 2 weeks; my refrigerator is pretty empty. Thank you Jack & Dana (not sure how she spells it, because it's not pronounced Dana, it's pronounced like you say Dan and then put an "A" on it).
We will head out tomorrow to Isle Royale. We will not have wifi or a cell signal and we probably will be there for at least 10 days, waiting for Garry & Jacque to meet back up with us.
The fish actually sings, brings back memories |
Look closely, see the ugly cell tower, that's why Copper Harbor doesn't want cell service |